Saturday, July 27, 2024

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ALERT: Dems Launch Last-Ditch Effort To Get Trump

In a shocking turn of events, New York Attorney General Letitia James has filed a motion to void former President Donald Trump’s $175 million bond in his ongoing civil fraud case. The bond, posted by Knight Specialty Insurance Company, was meant to shield Trump’s properties and assets from potential seizure. However, AG James is now questioning the credibility of the firm and the adequacy of the bond. This latest development adds fuel to the fire of Trump’s legal woes, as he faces multiple civil and criminal cases in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential election. The former president has called these cases blatant “election interference” and maintains his innocence. In this special report, we dive deep into the scandalous showdown between AG James and Trump, exposing the corruption and political persecution at play. We also examine Trump’s brave fight against this unjust system and his willingness to testify and tell the truth.

Top Comment:

“She failed. The bond stays.”

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