Sunday, September 8, 2024

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VIDEO: This Shocking Contrast Between Trump And Biden Is Going Viral

In a stark contrast, Trump attends the wake of fallen NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller while Biden hosts a lavish fundraiser. As Trump mourns alongside police, Biden raises millions with Hollywood elites. This revealing difference in priorities speaks volumes. Trump’s unwavering support for law enforcement shines as Biden’s actions fail to match his words. KJP’s tone-deaf response to the tragedy, pushing gun control without even naming the officer, further highlights the administration’s disconnect. As the nation grieves this senseless loss, Trump stands in solidarity with the NYPD family. Meanwhile, Biden’s absence and the glitzy fundraiser paint a troubling picture. In this critical report, we examine the actions of our leaders in a time of tragedy and what it means for America.

Top Comment:

“Thank you trump for honoring the fallen officer”

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